ISU 2023 group picture from an interesting angle

Credits & Transcripts


For a successful completion of the summer school, participants can earn up to 12 credits under the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS):

Academic module: 9 ECTS (~ 4,5 US credits)
German Language Course: 3 ECTS (~ 1,5 US credits)

1 ECTS equals 25h workload.

The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) is a system for the recognition of academic performance. The aim is to substitute part of the studies at the home university by studies abroad, whereby the home university recognizes study and examination performance achieved in the host university.

If you need more information on the European ECTS-System, please see Explanation of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System put forth by the European Commission.

Please consult the International Office/Study Abroad Office at your home university to get more information on how to transfer your credits.

Transcript of Records

Upon successful completion of the programme, you will receive a Transcript of Records where your credits and grades are documented. Upon returning to your home university your achievements can be transferred to your records with the help of the credit point system. Please contact your International Office/Study Abroad Office at your home university to get more information on how to transfer your credits.


Ms. Jessica Mayer
Phone: +49.6151.533-60102

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